Portfolio Showcase

"A Rickshaw Journey", May 2024

"Breathe", January 2024

Final project of my freshman year of art school, encapsulating themes of my POC identity and relationship to my origin country. A man rides his rickshaw through the lively sites and scenes of Bangladesh, abstracted and represented in fantastical, illustrative ways.

With this project for Forum 2 on relational art, I guided my process with this quote: “Art should disturb the comfortable and comfort the disturbed.” This video is a simulated experience of what it feels like to navigate daily life as a neurodivergent individual. In my case, a lot of that manifests in sensory processing issues, which sometimes inhibits my ability to function on a day-to-day basis. Life can go at a fast, overwhelming pace, and it’s important to breathe amidst the chaos. The video is broken up into two parts, guiding the viewer through a breathing exercise at the end.